Special Orders

We're all passionate stitchers at The Stitcher's Muse, and we love variety, too! And better than that, we love our customers and will do whatever we can to make them happy - corny and hackneyed as that may seem.
We don't have everything we carry uploaded to our website, so many of our items are not listed online, but that doesn't mean we don't have them! If you see something similar to what you're looking for, or you see something somewhere else, ask us and we'll check our shelves. Our contact information is at the bottom of this page.
Over the years, we've ordered in and carried so many items that sometimes we can't keep track of it all. Often we order something in as a test, but then decide that it isn't something we should ALWAYS have on the shelf. We'd still like stitchers and customers to know that we can (usually) get the items they're looking for - we just don't have the room to carry it ALL, much as we'd like to.
That's why many of our products say "please enquire".
Some important things to note:
- Please ensure we are aware of any important deadlines. Shipping and minimum order values can impact ordering times
A 50% deposit is due at the time of placing your order. Debit or credit transactions have a minimum $5.00 charge.
- Remaining balances after order pickup/mailing may be refunded as a credit note OR cash. No refunds on debit or credit.
- Prices are subject to change without notice
- Balance owing is due when the items come in
- We will call or email when your goodies arrive. Please ensure info@thestitchersmuse.com is whitelisted in your email software
Notifications will continue every one to four weeks for a total of three times
Items will be put out for stock and the deposit will be forfeited one week after the third notification
NOTE ON PARTIAL ORDERS: Sometimes items come in dribs and drabs. The full balance of any products that come in will be due when they come in – regardless of the amount of your initial deposit. We will notify you of each item UNLESS you have requested to not be notified until your order is complete.
Prices may have changed, so the item may be more or less expensive than the posted price. Exchange rates may have changed or suppliers' costs gone up, sometimes quite significantly.
It may take a while for the items to arrive after being ordered. We trade with well over 100 suppliers, some for just a few rare items, and due to the high cost of shipping and minimum order values for some suppliers, it may be months between shipments. We can usually give you an idea of how long it might take, but sometimes events conspire against us and it takes longer than we thought. The usual time is around four to six weeks. If timing is important, please let us know at the time of your order. We usually capture your payment at the time we place our order or shortly before that.
Have a question? Please contact us - contact information is located throughout our website.
Phone: 250-591-6873, toll-free 888-591-6873, email info (at) thestitchersmuse (dot) com (substitute (at) with @ and (dot) with . and eliminate the spaces - if we write it in as it should be, the web spiders will catch it and we'll be flooded with spam emails!
Thank you, and we look forward to fulfilling your Very Special Orders!
Dione & the team